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Arduino is a microcontroller platform made of open software and hardware. The Arduinos are very popular with hobbyists and developers, as they are very easy to expand, there are free tools for programming and are well documented. Arduino was founded in Italy by Massimo Banzi and David Cuartielles in 2005. They developed microcontroller boards and published the schematics as open source in the internet. Due to a namesake dispute, the models in Europe are called Genuino, but are otherwise identical to the Arduinos. There are now a variety of devices, some of them are even deprecated again. On the official Arduino page there is an overview of current platforms.

Entry-level models are the most widely supported Arduino Uno. In addition, there are the 101, micro and mini versions, smaller boards and even wearables. For the introduction, however, we recommend the Arduino Uno, for which there are numerous starter kits. Arduino boards are programmed on a PC and transferred via USB. The programs are then stored in the flash memory of the Arduino and then run without a PC. For example, simple digital function generators can be implemented or signals can be recorded on an oscilloscope. Below are presented the most popular kits.

Arduino Starter Kit in comparison:

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